Vendor Resources

UPCOMING EVENT: Business Development Training for Farmers and Food Producers!
Online, free, Thursday, May 4, 6pm – 9pm, with James Grevious of Rebel Marketplace
Spanish interpretation provided.
Desarrollo Empresarial para Agricultores y Productores de Alimentos
En línea, gratis, el jueves 4 de mayo,  6pm -9pm con James Grevious de Rebel Marketplace
Regístrese aquí.

Servicio de interpretación al español 

Course Description: 
The Business Development program with Rebel Marketplace is designed to be a crash course for those that want to take the leap of faith and turn their passions and skills into a profitable Farmers Market vendor in 2023. If you are already in business that’s great!! We can help expand your knowledge base and grow your business further. Register here!
Spanish interpretation provided.
Learn how to get your business market-ready, develop your products and pricing, and market your business to potential customers

Who Should Apply

  • Food Producing Businesses (Farmers, Fruit and nut producers, Herbs and Spices, Nursery & Medicinal plants, floriculture, houseplant , Bakers, and Honey producers)
  • Businesses in year 0-3
  • Businesses with revenue under $10,000

What You Will Learn

  • Cottage food law and access to licensing
  • Food Safety practices
  • Business principles such as Marketing and Promotion
  • Explore business systems and tools
  • Learn how your business can add value to the community
  • Tips on Farmers Market success

Register today!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with zoom info.

E-mail cofarmersmarketassociation@ with any questions.

Jueves 4 de mayo en línea mediante zoom

En línea, gratis, el jueves 4 de mayo,  6pm -9pm con James Grevious de Rebel Marketplace  
Regístrese aquí.

Servicio de interpretación al español 

Descripción del curso: El programa de Desarrollo Empresarial con Rebel Marketplace está diseñado para ser un curso intensivo para aquellas personas que quieren dar el salto de fe y convertir sus pasiones y habilidades en un vendedor rentable de Mercado de Agricultores en 2023.

Si ya tiene un negocio, ¡qué bien! Podemos ayudarle a ampliar su base de conocimientos y hacer crecer aún más su negocio. Regístrese aquí. Servicio de interpretación al español

Aprenda a preparar su negocio para el mercado, a desarrollar sus productos y precios, y a comercializar su negocio a clientes potenciales.

Quién debe aplicar

Negocios de producción de alimentos (agricultores, productores de nueces y frutas, hierbas y especias, viveros y plantas medicinales, floricultura, plantas de interior, panaderos y productores de miel).

Negocios en el año 0-3

Negocios con ingresos inferiores a 10.000

Lo que aprenderá 

  • Legislación sobre alimentos caseros y acceso a las licencias
  • Prácticas de seguridad alimentaria
  • Principios empresariales como marketing y promoción
  • Explorar sistemas y herramientas empresariales
  • Descubra cómo su empresa puede aportar valor a la comunidad
  • Consejos para triunfar en el Mercado

Regístrese hoy mismo

Tras inscribirse, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre el zoom. Envíe un correo electrónico a si tiene alguna pregunta.


  • As a vendor, it’s best to start by talking to the managers of the markets in which you want to sell your products. Each market is different in terms of costs, requirements, application process, and other criteria.  Visit the list of CFMA member markets as well as the statewide Colorado Farm Fresh Directory.
  • You may be required to carry insurance. CFMA recommends Campbell Risk Management as a provider of liability insurance for Farmers Markets and vendors.
  • Be safe and promote health!  Here are two excellent PDFs on Sampling Safety at Farmers Markets  and also Fruits and Vegetables: Start Fresh, Stay Safe.
  • Review this checklist-PDF: Cottage Food Checklist for Farmers Market Managers.
  • Since 2011, CSU Extension has collected information on product prices in farmers markets around the state since 2011,  and posted this information online for producers to use to help inform their marketing decisions. It is also useful to market managers who advise vendors on pricing. Products featured include fruits, vegetables, herbs, eggs, meats and some cut flowers. Use this info to a) understand how price points differ by market; b) see what products are available in other markets; and c) help producers plan for future production by better estimating potential revenue from the products they grow.  All price reports can be accessed here. Questions? Email Martha Sullins or call her at 970-491-3330.

Got a question about pickles?  mushrooms?  any food product?
Our CSU Extension Agents are invaluable resources:
Sheila Gains, 303-730-1920,
Anne Zander, 303-678-6238,

You can also search Extension’s online directory for an Extension office near you.

Please review CFMA member benefits here  and complete our easy online membership application here.  At the top of our homepage, sign up for our  e-news “general list.


CFMA recommends the Building Farmers Program.  Since 2007, Colorado State University Extension has been offering this course regularly at locations around the state.

Also, the Colorado Farm to Market website helps you navigate the road from farm to market. This site was developed to familiarize Colorado food producers and food product manufacturers with federal, state and local food licensing, permitting and other regulations and to help ensure that the path food travels from farm to fork is safe.